Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Waxwing in Shropshire

Blog has been very quiet lately, mainly due to 300 Grey Phalarope images disappearing from the hard drive, Dont think they downloaded properly and I then formatted the card so they're gone (and so is it) and every time im on the computer im getting images on Alamy to build up my stock, so haven't had much time to sort out images for my blog.

So above is just one image ive managed to edit, not to sharp but the light was bad due to the snow!

Next will more than likely be Dog images as im doing Pet portraits in Photography at College at the moment


  1. A good subject Ash. I often see more dogs than birds when out birding. There's money in pets and none in nature.

  2. Great image Ash,one of the best I've seen.
    Fab shot.

  3. Lovely shot especially with the frosty branches

  4. Love the images, the frost is a big plus on this one ;)

  5. Valloittava tilhikuva, aivan ihana ♥

  6. This is really BEAUTIFUL

    lovely light and nice colors...my compliments.

    Greetings, Joop

  7. Beautiful image! Great focus and Color!
